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Community Champion

I wrote a new article on COVID-19 and Digital Trust

Hi All


I would be interested in other peoples views on this seemingly never ending situation:





4 Replies
Community Champion

While the article is interesting I think I tend to look at things in a different way. I see a lot of good for the tech field that isn't often mentioned. Things like making companies face changes that where available but they didn't seem to want to be bothered with, like remote work and zero trust models. Many jobs do not require a person's body but rather their mind, so where the body might sit isn't as important as the mind's ability to perform the task. Many retailer are hopefully reworking their inventory reporting systems after finding how often someone looked online and a store says they have stock of something only to find it was misreported or not updated. Let's not mention simply accurately reporting if a location is open or closed.


I also think that some of the down sides of working remotely, which I have done for years, is not being addressed either. It tends to be more stressful because people feel they need to perform at a higher rate when at home, where as, as long as a person is "in the office" it doesn't matter as much what they are doing. Things like dropping in on others to check on things or even coffee breaks and water cooler interactions help people feel connected and without them isolation and depression can occur. Are companies realizing this and working to find ways to help these mental health problems?


As I said, a little different point of view.



Community Champion

I think the title a bit deceiving.  The article does not discuss "Combating Covid-19",  nor does it use the word "Trust" until it reaches the last paragraph.  Perhaps something like "History Lessons in the Covid-19 era" would fit a bit better.


You hint at one of my biggest "I.T." takeaways from Covid --  it does not really present new challenges; it just dramatically increases the scale and changes the prioritization for existing challenges.  For example, we have long had some remote users (salesmen, travellers, those tending to a sick kid), the bulk of which were infrequent -- maybe connecting once a week or so.  Now, we have tons of users connecting daily.  


Covid-19 also exposes the observation that being flexible and quickly able to adapt to change (while remaining "secure") is key to successfully supporting the business.   For example, employees were given permission to take "desktops" home.  Since our desktop image did not include the VPN client, there was a need to quickly push it out. 


Thanks for the article and don't forget to claim your CPEs.

Influencer II

> Caute_cautim (Community Champion) posted a new topic in Industry News on

> Hi All   I would be interested in other peoples views on this seemingly never
> ending situation:  
> _flagship3_publishing_published%3BRyyK7iyIQWu2HiNX%2B%2Fb4pA%3D%3D

Speaking of trust, if you want people to be able to read and comment on it, you
might want to make it world readable. (If, in the labyrinth of LinkeDin
permission settings you can find out how.)

On the other hand, since LinkeDin is basically only a mareting tool disguised as a
business-oriented social media site, maybe all you want is contacts to grow your
network ...

(If you really want people to be able to read your piece, post it here (which *is*
world readable) and post a link to it on LinkeDin ...)

====================== (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
Don't, Sir, accustom yourself to use big words for little matters
- Samuel Johnson (1709-84)


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Community Champion

@JKWiniger @rslade @denbesten 


Thank you for your valid comments, you would not believe the amount of back and forth I had to undertake in order to "publish" it on any medium.  My organisation has a particular perspective on the world, and this has been through the shredder a number of times and in fact taken months even to get it to this point.


I do appreciate the comments, I put it on here, due to "permission to publish" was given, after a having gone through the marketing and PR communications tools and approvals and you thought COVID-19 was bad....  think again.



