OK, you have a warehouse filled with 40,000 barrels of distilled spirits. Don't you think you should give some thought to fire prevention?
Apparently Jim Beam didn't.
I'd like to make a comment about 40 firefighters from five counties attending the blaze, but I won't.
Interesting about letting the fire burn off the alcohol to prevent toxic runoff and fish kills in local streams. (I wonder about groundwater in the area ...)
@rslade wrote:OK, you have a warehouse filled with 40,000 barrels of distilled spirits. Don't you think you should give some thought to fire prevention?
Apparently Jim Beam didn't.
This seems to be happening more frequently and two things are becoming apparent: scare supply of the 20 year stock and the price of it increasing 😞
Apparently they didn't let enough alcohol burn off in the fire ...