Without violating any code of ethics, I wanted to know if I can ask what the format of the ISSEP exam is like. For example, is it mostly multiple choice, scenario based, fill in the blank, and matching?
Please moderators delete this post if I am violating and rules by asking this type of question. Thank you.
You can see the format of all ISC2 exams here:
Your best source of information regarding the exam, covering many aspects, is the free "Ultimate Guide to the ISSEP Exam", which is found on this site through the Certifications tab. You are asked to register to download a copy, but it contains all the officially approved (for public release) information about all ISC2 exams, certifications, and the endorsement process. It is very informative and I am sure you will get all your questions answered there.
Here is the link that @Rleo is referring to:
Download Your Free CISSP-ISSEP Ultimate Guide
Thank you so much @AlecTrevelyan
I had know ideal this site existed and I've been all over the ISC(2) website. Thanks much!
Focus on having and developing a systems engineering mindset my friends and you will do well.