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Newcomer III


Is it worth earning both the ISSAP and ISSEP? I know this is subjective but wanted to get my fellow security professional opinions on if it is worth having both certifications. 

7 Replies
Contributor III

Neither are likely to help you get a job unless it's specifically required, e.g. DoD. Otherwise, you're lucky to find a potential employer who knows what they are.

As far as learning is concerned, ISSAP is good for a high level overview of "classic" security architecture, it's less relevant if you're concerned with securely running code on public PaaS. ISSEP is focused on formally approved procedures for designing security solutions.
Newcomer I

Personally, I think it is a good learning opportunity. However, CISSP remains the gold standard credential and anytime I trawl Linkedin etc for opportunities, the CISSP concentrations rarely get called out as required.

Conversely, I've seen entry level roles looking for CISSP !

If you've got the interest in pursuing it - go for it and tell us how you found it !




Newcomer III

Thanks for the response @CDNI and I do not disagree. I know that CISSP gets you in the door and is the standard. I'm looking at it from an even more advanced career field. I've been working as a security engineer and I think there is expectation that security engineers should also be able to implement security architect designs, which I think just depends on the organization and what they expect from the role.




Since your focus is Security Engineering, combining CISSP, CSSLP, and ISSEP should be good enough for personal development.

Newcomer III

@BBT Thank you for the response and you gave me something to think about. I see that the CBK for the CSSLP is from 2013. Do you know if there are any plans for ISC2 to produce an updated CBK? Again, thank you.

Newcomer III

For CSSLP, there are courses on linkedinlearning and pluralsight.
Newcomer III

Thank you @tswern. I always get a little worried when the CBK is out of date and there is no official ISC2 official self-paced course. There are also no classroom or instructor-led courses offered for the CSSLP. I did look at the exam outline and it does kind of make sense for me to pursue it. I will definitely have to give it some thought.