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Community Champion

The Cyber Kraken Has been released upon the Legal System

Hi All


A very interesting perceptive on how cyber crime affects the legal system.


In the fathomless depths of maritime legend, the colossal and mythical Kraken is said to lurk—an ancient sea monster of monstrous proportions. This awe-inspiring creature, with its powerful tentacles and insurmountable strength, has been the stuff of sailor's tales for centuries. Stories of the Kraken describe how it would rise from the abyss, its enormous limbs reaching up to seize ships in its relentless grip, its sheer power breaking the backs of vessels, sending them plummeting into the abyss.


We urge you to consider the ethical implications of poor cyber hygiene within law firms and take proactive measures to address this pressing concern. Clients entrust law firms with their most sensitive information and expect their attorneys to act in their best interests, both in terms of legal representation and data security.







1 Reply
Advocate I

Article pretty much sums up why I only use the term 'cyber' in its numerous forms in front of executives and students. Its so overused as to make itself sound clumsy and tries too hard to sound cool.


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