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Newcomer I

Retake CISSP with Peace of Mind voucher

I have purchased the May 2024 version of Peace of Mind voucher for my CISSP exam and noticed the following requirements: 

· Schedule and sit for your first exam by June 30th, 2024 using the voucher code listed below as payment.
· If needed, you can sit for the exam a second time through August 15th, 2024, using the same voucher code as payment.
· Please be advised you must wait 30 days after your first exam for your second attempt.


Prior to this, my first attempt for CISSP was on April 13th, 2023 (more than 12 months ago). I plan to sit for my first exam using the Peace of Mind voucher on June 28th, 2024.  If unfortunately, I fail the attempt on June 28th and have to retake the exam, what is the test-free days till my next attempt? 


Question is whether my first attempt more than 12 months ago will be remove from the record, and my upcoming attempt on June 28th 2024 will be considered my first attempt now? If it won't get removed from the record, there is no way I can meet the voucher requirement to retake the exam by August 15th, as it contradict with the ISC2 retake policy of 60 test-free days after second attempt. 

3 Replies
ISC2 Team

Hi @szsim


We use a rolling 12-month period/timeframe when counting the number of times someone sits for our exams. When taking the exam in June 2024, we will NOT count the exam from April 2023. So the June exam would be attempt one. If failed in June, you must wait 30 days to retest.


For more details about our Retake Policy, check here


Hope this helps and good luck on your upcoming exam! 

Newcomer I

Thank you. 


Just to confirm, I am allowed to reschedule my first exam and that it won't affect my entitlement to take the second attempt, as long as the first and second attempt take place within the stipulated expiration date? 
ISC2 Team

@szsim Thank you for reaching out via the ISC2 Community board.


Your Peace of Mind voucher terms state:

  • Schedule your first exam by June 30, 2024, using the voucher code [provided]
  • If needed, you can sit for the exam a second time, using the same voucher code

The Exam Retake Policy states:

  • If you fail the first exam, you must have thirty (30) test-free days before you can sit for a second attempt for the same exam.

Bear in mind, exam availability for the second exam may limited, should you push your first exam into Jluy and fail that exam.