Hello Team
Presently I am in Saudi Arabia, where I want to apply for the peace of mind offer and the offer is valid up to 28 of February.
In between I am also planning a short vacation to India, so my question is whether I can write exam in India by validating voucher or should I write exam only in the place where I have taken the exam offer ?
Please let me know urgently as offer is nearly going to expire.
@smechira Your question is best answered by the folk in Management. @mariatirado Not sure if this should be forwarded to Customer Service or Exam Administration are you able to assist.
I have taken exam on Feb-16 on this month, am I eligible for the peace of mind ? please let me know
Hi @smechira,
To be eligible for Peace of Mind Protection, you must not have attempted the certification exam within the last 12 months. If you have attempted the certification exam within the past 12 months, this offer is not applicable.
You can find more information on Peace of Mind Protection here: https://www.isc2.org/landing/exam-peace-of-mind