Dear All,
Passed by CCSP on the second attempt. First attempt was in 31st May 2021. Maybe first time I sat for exam within 2 months of preparation and obviously it was not a good idea.
For second time I took a while to prepare, and I used following below guides.
I would say at least for me – from 150 questions probably only 2-3 were almost similar to practice questions and others kind of new and we need to study those questions carefully and provide a best answer. It was quite challenging, however I’m happy finally to pass the exam.
I used the Sybex book and passed on the first try a few years ago. I do hear of many people having trouble passing it and I think the main reason I passed is that I had a strong background in Windows VM, which is just one step away from cloud. At the same time, if people have a solid understanding of VM then I think understanding containers is a small step.
After getting the CCSP I went over to Microsoft Learn for a bunch of their free training just because I wanted a deeper understanding of things. In time I will learn more about AWS so I can do an honest comparison of the two.
As is the case in IT, you have learned something so now learn five more things!