(ISC)² pilot tested online examinations for all nine of our certifications earlier this year. What did we learn? Find out on the blog: https://blog.isc2.org/isc2_blog/2021/05/online-proctor-exam-pilot-results.html
If you have additional questions, please contact Member Services at membersupport@isc2.org.
Very interesting reading, especially this part:
First of all, thanks for sharing this report. Many of us certificate holders appreciate (ISC)²'s efforts to improve accessibility while maintaining the integrity of our investments.
I would suggest two grammatical changes in "Assessments and Results", primarily to improve clarity.
Beyond that, we would all love to hear some of the (redacted) "war stories", especially if obvious cheating attempts (e.g. "facetime a friend") were prevented.
Fascinating reading! Great transparency! Thank you!
as a CISSP_OP taker, truly appreciate CISSP owning that things did not go as smoothly as they suspected/their were delays and are putting integrity first. This was a great summary and I can live with only taking additional certs I have planned (CCSP) in person for the foreseeable future.