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Newcomer I

Next Steps after Provisional Pass on (ISC)2 CC

I wrote my CC exam a few hours ago and received a provisional pass! Now I am unsure what to do next.


On the PearsonVue page under Exam History, I can see the exam listed as a pass. Also, when I go to the Endorsement Home ( It states: "Our records show that you have passed the exam(s) below, and we are still awaiting your Endorsement Application" and lists my exam passing status.


Should I fill out the Endorsement application yet or wait until I receive the email from (ISC)2 about my final results?

5 Replies
Community Manager

Hello and congratulations @esorokan!! 


If you would like to wait a few days to receive your email of your results, you can do so. That email will direct you to the certification application, though. For CC,  you only need to fill out the application, affirm you will abide by the ISC2 Code of Ethics, and pay your first AMF. There is no experience requirement for CC, so no work history to submit in the application.  

Newcomer I

Thank you @Kaity! I appreciate the information.
I was also wondering, under what circumstances provisional passes get changed to failures? Since I wrote an honest exam can I expect a email about a passing grade to come or are there other circumstances which can change my result?
Community Manager

Hello @esorokan - that is a good question! Unfortunately, I am not privy to the information about how often a provisional pass may turn into an unsuccessful result. However, it is not common. 


Once you've received the email from ISC2 advising of next steps to certification, you can begin the process. I hope this helps! 

Newcomer I

Thanks @Kaity!

No worries, I got my email on Saturday morning and am now a member:)!
Community Manager

@esorokan Fantastic!! Congratulations and welcome!!