I am about to register for the CISSP exam. I don't know how many questions there are, and is this exam difficult, is there any advice for me to prepare well for this exam?
You can find information about the (ISC)² exam formats here: https://www.isc2.org/Exams/Before-Your-Exam
There's a wealth of information available on this Community from folks who have prepared for and passed the exam themselves. You're welcome to join a virtual study group - https://community.isc2.org/t5/Study-Groups/ct-p/CertificationStudyGroups
Regarding advice to prepare well. In my opinion, you need multiple sources of information to cover the topics. I recommend videos, self-directed study preparation options (Thor is one example), discord discussions, practice questions (any), and any audio you can track down. I used the official ISC study guide then used other sources to get more details. The study guides were a great resource, but I also used a wide variety of sources across all the domains and studied each and every one in detail to help fill in gaps. I ran thru as many practice questions as I could find via ISC or other sources.
It was a process that took me a few months, and I was dedicated to this task 100% full-time. During the test, I concentrated thru the entire exam, especially the first questions - as it is adaptive, and the better you do in the beginning, it helps if you get them right, you may have less questions (minimum is 100 - max is 150).
It is a process for sure..no quick way in my mind for the amount of material - then again, if you have the experience already, may be faster. Here is wishing you the best in your CISSP journey!
Hi @Kmediavietnam, I recently passed the exam and became certified last month. How much you need to prepare depends a lot on your current experience and knowledge in cybersecurity. I only needed to read the official study guide and use the official practice tests. But even with over 20 years of cybersecurity experience in several of the domains covered on the exam, I had a LOT to learn. That's not to scare you, but you should tailor your study accordingly. One way to figure out where you are is to use the assessment test that comes with the official study guide. I only got 60% of the questions correct on the first pass. Hope this helps. -Daniel