The first of my former students to take the CISSP in the CAT format sent me some feedback, and I blogged about it:
Bravo! Well done. It means you are a good trainer. Personally, I like the CAT idea. It saves time and energy
Oh, I don't know about being a good guy, in a class full of smart people. But thanks!
You are getting positive results. That is what matters. Well done!
Fair enough-- I'll take it! Danke.
More cissp candidates would enroll with you. You are good
Oh-- rock on. Thanks! Glad it worked for you, and that you're digging the blog.
Good Job Ben on your knowledge sharing and delivery
I've taken some of your courses on FEDVTE, and I'll keep reading and watching your videos.
Thanks! Really appreciate it-- making those FedVTE courses was one of my favorite teaching experiences.