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Exam results on hold

I passed Exam but received email just now that my result is on hold due to fail biometric.
6 Replies
Contributor III

@Awwal  I have seen cases where the results were audited but have not seen that terminology before (on hold).  Every time for the audit was for people attending a class where they all took the exam at the same time.  I do not know of anyone that was audited that took it outside of that.  I hope that it works out for you.  The possibility is definitely addressed in the beginning screens and also on the printout.  


When I received my slip after the exam, my picture didn’t show up and same thing on the screen. I received email asking me to schedule an appointment to verify my identity before the results is released.
Contributor III

@Awwal   That is strange and scary.  I guess that I would have thought that the test center found your id sufficient or would not have let you enter the test room.  Can I ask if they want you to talk to ISC2 or Pearson Vue?  I help people a lot but definitely never encountered this before.  Hope that it works out for you.  


No they want me to schedule a video and speak with them to verify my identity. The sender is Patricia white. It said Exam Administrator. What would you advice
Community Champion

Set up the call.  They just want to make sure you are you.






Contributor III

@Awaal I would definitely advise setting up the meeting and get it straightened out. It definitely seems like if Pearson Vue had problems with your id that this would be much easier to do that then rather than let you take the exam. I know that you must be in a terrible state over this right now.