The January 2018 edition Certification Magazine has five (ISC)2 certifications in the top twenty on page 22.
Listed on page 25 as the next "Big Thing" has CCSP and CISSP as number 1 and 2.
Well done (ISC)2!
Nice to see that I made the correct decision to go for my CISSP end 2016.
Good to know CISSP is highly rated
I have found that it is never too late to train up and earn an important certification.
In 1994, I achieved my first certification, a Novell CNE. At the time there were about 70,000 CNE's out there. Over the next five years, I earned four Novell CNE's more plus a Master CNE.
At the time I remember thinking that it was late to earn the Novell CNE and I was wrong. If anyone thinks since there are 78,000+ CISSP's in the US it is too late now to earn one now, they are wrong.
Paul Guido, CISSP, CCSP
P.S. Not that I would go out and get a CNE-3 right now.
Way to roll ISC 2, way to roll.
Well, lots of my certifications didn't make that list. But then again, being analyst #907 for a given cert should give an early indication it's not that "sexy".
It's important to understand that those are the certifications held by the largest number of survey responders, which does not say all too much about the quality of the certification but merely the quantity of its holders.
The quantity is not based on the quality of the certification, but largely on HR expectations, which makes that a self-fulfilling prophecy: The more often they hear the name of a given, popular certification, the more likely they are asking for it.
Likely it would be a good idea picking certification after average base salary; but call me old-fashioned - I pick them on my interest in the BOK.
Would it be possible to post a pdf or HTML5 version of the magazines? I don't allow Flash on my machine for obvious reasons.
One of the things I get from such a list of certifications is trends in education and directions I might want to explore.
I had never heard of the Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) and it looks very intriguing to me. I work at a what would be considered a small shop so I have to keep my eyes open for new directions and opportunities as they present themselves.
My MS Mail Admin cert made all the difference!! (Ha)
I used to be a cert chaser, but then quality certs like those from ISC2 came along, at the turn of the century, and now I just focus on those.