I would like to purchase the CISSP Peace of Mind Protection, but due to financial constraints, I am unable to do so before February 28, 2025. Could anyone please let me know the next available date for purchasing it?
I have never seen ISC2 announce any program ahead of time, and this has only been offered a very few times. I would suggest taking the CC which is no cost for most before any other ISC2 exam especially if your target is the CISSP and have limited funds.
@nkeaton I totally disagree with your recommendation. If someone is capable of taking the CISSP, why send them to the CC???????
@CertSeeker I suggest that you contact membersupport@isc2.org or maybe @mariatirado can make a better recommendation on who to contact.
@dcontesti That is fine. I have gotten nothing but thanks from the people that I have suggested that to do that before the CISSP. First, it is no cost for most for the self-study training and exam voucher. Second it is the general concepts needed for the CISSP (no analytical questions). Third I believe that it reduces the anxiety and stress of never taking an ISC2 exam before, especially one that costs $749. Fourth small victories are good. All I can tell you is that it works. People can do whatever they want, but I have over a dozen people that thanked me for suggesting that as an approach. I can see no down sides to it, but maybe you have some negative experience or just thinking out loud without realizing the benefit of the option?
Thanks for the reply and your rationale however we will still have differing opinions.
I for one have never been in favour of the CC. My reasons are posted here in the community and I am not going to rehash them but the biggest one was that I saw this as a money grab for the organisation ($50 a year from 1 million people......).
@dcontesti That is fine to not agree. I have run into CISSPs that were somehow bothered by the CC; some even felt that it somehow devalued their CISSP. These candidates are given a one year membership which can do with whatever they want for that year. They can get no cost self-study training and an exam voucher. So let's just say around $300 in value. Only if they take and pass the exam and decide to pay a $50 AMF does ISC2 get anything out of it. When ISC2 asked for volunteers for their ELCC pilot, I volunteered although already had 4 ISC2 certifications including the CISSP. It is like I tell my management; we must develop people to replace us. Security+ has flooded the job market with people looking for entry level positions that do not exist. So I look at this as a great opportunity and am glad to see my AMFs go towards it. I am sorry that you feel differently, but we are entitled to our own opinions. It is a great beginning certification. I am glad that I was part of the development process. You might notice that I never put my alphabet soup behind my name. I know that many do.
Hi Guys,
Would you mind explaining what CC is and how it differs to AMF (annual Maintenance Fee). I'm newly qualified CISSP (well Dec '24) and I have been chasing ISC2 to issue cert since. I got someone to endorse me but I now need to pay AMF ($135) to become a 'member' before ceert is issued so just wondering what CC is ?
Thanks in Advance
@Larrykavanagh The CC is ISC2's entry level certification. It is no cost for the self-study training and exam voucher, but they have to pay a $50 AMF before they are certified. It is no cost for most, but it is for those without an ISC2 certification. All other ISC2 certifications are $135 AMF which is regardless of how many of their certifications have. Yes, you must pay the $135 AMF before you are actually certified and have to pay it every year and need to earn 120 CPEs to keep it in force. ISC2 used to charge the AMF at the end of the year but believe that it was 2019 when they started requiring it at the beginning of the certification year. They also went to a set fee. We used to be charged per certification; so for those of us that have several, it is a fairly good deal.
Hello, thanks for reaching out! There will be another POM promo in March 🙂 stay tuned!