If you have taken a course along your CISSP journey, what advice would you give your CISSP instructor if you could go back? I am teaching this CISSP course and I really want it to go well. Aside from the "Death by PowerPoint" what other methods would have been helpful to you along the way?
Your comments are greatly appreciated!
Stories. Real war stories.
But make sure you are very careful about confidentiality ...
@rslade wrote:Stories. Real war stories.
Yes! That was one of my selling points that got me the job. The CEO really liked my 'war stories' and he also admitted that he learned a few things from their train-the-trainer interview process as I explained the horrors of my career.
@rslade wrote:But make sure you are very careful about confidentiality ...
@@@@Lamont29 wrote:If you have taken a course along your CISSP journey, what advice would you give your CISSP instructor if you could go back?
Don't sweat it if some of the candidates actually have more experience than you. Use what they can bring. The point is to give the candidates the best background, not prove that you are the smartest person in the room.
I am teaching this CISSP course and I really want it to go well. Aside from the "Death by PowerPoint" what other methods would have been helpful to you along the way?
Have something to drink in the room. For the candidates, not for you. Drinking from the firehose is stressful, and stressful people need to keep hydrated.
@rslade wrote:
Don't sweat it if some of the candidates actually have more experience than you. Use what they can bring. The point is to give the candidates the best background, not prove that you are the smartest person in the room.
Yes! Even when I taught courses at the community college, I always announced and regarded myself as the 'facilitator of learning' and not the authority on information. In this field, information changes too much.
Great point!
Hi Lamont!
CISSP material is pretty dry. Try engaging the students so that they stay interested by incorporating real world examples in your lectures.
Hope this helps.
Lexi Farar
Thank you all for the diverse suggestions. It's going well so far.