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Google GSuite

Hello all,


I am new to using the Google GSuite and need some advice on what people's thoughts are about defending and protecting this product and strategies/software that people are using. Especially, what your thoughts about log ingestion into SIEM products and DLP usuage.


Appreciate your thoughts and comments.


Thank you.

1 Reply


I am also not proficient in Google GSuite - but when it comes to SaaS applications I would suggest to look into these topics:


  1. Ensure Dataprocection and compliance requirements are met by Google
  2. Have your Identities managed propperly and implement strong authentication
  3. Strictly adhere to the "least privilege" concept for the permissions required
  4. Use a CASB or SASE Plattfrom to protect your assets in Cloud apps (not only in GSuite)

Hope this helps.