The Vancouver Chapter is doing our Ethics of Active Defence presentation next week, Feb. 8, 2-4 pm, PST.
For those of you who aren't in Vancouver (poor you), we will be broadcasting this meeting
and may post it later on YouTube. Please register by sending an email to with the Subject line: February 8th, 2019 + Your Name. You will get an email with the YouTube URL just before the meeting. (It might start a little after 2 pm.) While you are welcome to share your display with colleagues (but remind them to abide by the confidentiality rules set by the speaker for the meeting), please do not forward the URL to others (instead, ask them to join VanSecSIG and register directly for the video broadcast). Please also note that the (ISC)² Vancouver Chapter will only submit CPE credits for those who attend the meeting in person and sign the attendance sheet. (You can still submit for your own CPEs, but we can't prove anything about your attendance.)
OK, that didn't work as a Webcast.
However, it did work (mostly) as a straight video recording. (The recording missed about the first ten minutes, but ...)