the Foundation that lies at the - er - foundation of our Chapter has entered its third year. Given that our Statutes dictate that members that enter their third year step down (though not all at once, if you don't mind..) our Chapter will organise its first elections. We are currently in the process of informing our registrees. In januari 2019, the registrees will have a chance to vote.
However - the question is HOW. We would like to give as many of our registrees as possible the chance to vote and hence prefer some kind of on-line voting system. We can roll our own, but that takes time and effort that probably would be better spent organising our Next Big Event
So, dear Chapter leaders: how do you organise your elections? What software (either on-line, in the cloud or otherwise) do you use? Which procedures?
Thanks for the reply, @rslade 🙂
In our case there are TWO entities to consider: a Chapter, and a Foundation that supports the Chapter. There are some differences - dictated by Dutch Law. We try to minimize these differences, but in situations like elections, they are important.
In practice, the Foundation's Statutes dictate the MINIMAL requirements. Then there are The Bylaws - in our case actually a legal document created by the Foundation and part of that Foundation's rules and regulations (in Dutch: Huishoudelijk Reglement, roughly "rules of the house"). So, the idea is that we have a legal document (Statutes) that dictates what is minimally required according to Dutch Law, on top of that we have "Bylaws" which contain a superset of requirements, as dictated by (ISC)². Might the two collide, Dutch Law prevails.
Our Bylaws state that each member of the Board that has fulfilled that position for 2 years or more needs to step down in the third year. No more then 3 board members may step down in the same year and only ONE of them of the Executive Board (President, Treasurer and Secretary). Given that we all started in the same year (2016), we formally all have to step down at the same time, but that would conflict with the Bylaws. To resolve this, we have drafted a Roster, and we have agreed to step down according to that Roster, which also means that some members will have to stay on for another year (sometimes two). These members are automatically re-elected by the Board to ensure that we have contingency.
Now, what happens is as follows:
So, we have a pretty good idea of the surrounding procedures, but the question remains: how to organise the election itself?
🙂 not sure if it's simpler, but it sure isn't regulated by Laws and Laywers..