Hello all!
Just checking to see if there are any chapters on the East Coast of Canada. I didn't see any, but I may have missed seeing them.
Hello Malcom!
I'm Paula, the chapter relations specialist for the North America region of the chapter program.
Well, unfortunately there are none on the true East coast of Canada. The closest chapter to the area you're looking for would be Montreal.
I'm guessing you already saw this, but you can view all of our active and chartering chapters on the (ISC)² directory here: https://www.isc2.org/chapters/chapter-directory
Since there is not a chapter in your area, you can always look into starting one in that area!! The application process will open again soon - so be on the lookout for that. You can find more information about the petition to start a chapter, as well as the guidelines and other requirements here: https://www.isc2.org/chapters/start-chapter
If you have any more questions or would like further assistance, please reach out to us at chapters@isc2.org.
Thank you, and have a great day!
I am in Halifax and have noticed no Maritime Chapter. I was looking to start a Chapter. Would you be interested in helping out?
HI Malcom
Send me an email at drewsmeaton@gmail.com to disucss.