> JKWiniger (Contributor III) posted a new reply in Career on 09-27-2020 07:39 AM
> I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you need to
> earn your strip, but it seems that it not really the world we live in anymore.
I don't know that it ever was. "Earning your stripes" is still valid, but there are
many ways to earn them. And so many stripes to earn.
> It is a good thing, but so many have little knowledge, think they have way more
> than they do and get get jobs.
Oh, you got that right. But it's sort of equal in terms of those who are new to the
field and don't yet know what they don't know, and those who have been long in
the job, but have never learned what's really necessary. (When teaching the
review seminars, I used to tell the candidates that the exam was intended to find
out if they actually had five years worth of experience in the field, and not just
one year five times over.)
> Having come up doing so much
> has actually hinder me. I can do so many things in so many areas I struggle with
> figuring out what I want to be doing next.
Yeah, I know that one, too. You get to be a generalist, and can see the whole
field, which should be what is desired. But, these days, everybody seems to want
single-focus specialists. Who miss things.
> Here is something I have been realizing, I can see the big
> picture, how different systems interact with each other, how seemingly unrelated
> items actually tie in and effect each other, and it's because I earned my strip
> and have been in so many areas that I can do this. I also see things that others
> don't.
You also start to learn what's important versus what is just the "latest thing."
> With
> lower level positions people with only know a small part of the bigger picture
> that they need to do their jobs because that's all they need to know.
And, to address something else James raised, you can manage those people even if
you don't know all th details of what they are doing. I've had two jobs managing
development teams. I've never been a professional programmer myself. The fact
the I do know how to program is handy in understanding some of the problems,
but I don't even need to know what language they are using. They know how to
code: I know what needs to be done. (Also, I know how to manage people, which
I learned very, very early on, and which lots of people in management never *do*
learn ...)
====================== (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rslade@gmail.com rmslade@outlook.com rslade@computercrime.org
To gild refined gold, to paint the lily,
To throw a perfume on the violet,
To smooth the ice, or add another hue
Unto the rainbow, or with taper-light
To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish,
Is wasteful and ridiculous excess.
`King John,' Act IV, scene ii, William Shakespeare
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