I have the privilege of mentoring a cybersecurity masters student. She is interested in working in healthcare.
Is there anyone working in healthcare cybersecurity that would be interested in talking to her? She lives on the East coast of the US.
Thanks in advance!
Sai Honig, CISSP, CCSP
This would be a good discussion to post in our newly created HCISPP group: https://community.isc2.org/t5/HCISPP-Group/gh-p/HCISPP_Group_Hub
If you are a member and hold the HCISPP certification, please join and discuss.
If the student is studying for the HCISPP s/he can join the HCISPP study group here: https://community.isc2.org/t5/Study-Groups/ct-p/CertificationStudyGroups
I've only been in Healthcare for 2 years now but I'd be willing to chat.