> dcontesti (Community Champion) posted a new reply in Career on 02-17-2020 12:55
> I have seen this but I guess I was lucky, very early on, a competitor called my
> CEO and said: "you have been hit with a virus" My CEO: flabbergasted and
> upset, called me. "his exact words.......WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME WE WERE HIT"
> My response "by what" or "by who" My CEO "well Joe from XYZ corp said we had a
> virus (specific name not important)" My response "not that I am aware of, but
> please give me 1/2 hour to check into it" About an hour later: My response "
> we have checked and checked and we cannot find any trace of that virus or any
> other malware in our environ"
Not exactly on main topic, but:
At one point I was doing some contract work for an outfit that did AV as a kind of
side issue. We kept getting reports from customers that "Symantec/Norton says
we are infected with X" (or Y, or Z). I spent many hours tracking down these
reports, and eventually came to the conclusion that Symantec was generating a
whole bunch of signatures for things that weren't viruses, and weren't even
malware. (Symantec never was my favourite AV when I was reviewing, and after
that I just ignored it completely.)
====================== (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rslade@vcn.bc.ca slade@victoria.tc.ca rslade@computercrime.org
Not a few, perhaps the great majority of men, find it necessary,
in order to maintain their self-respect and a certain
effectiveness in their actions, to lower and belittle the image
they form of everyone they know. - Friedrich Nietzsche
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