After taking and passing the CISM exam, ISACA provided me certification of attendance that states it is eligible for up to 8 hrs of CPE. Can I submit this certification for my CISSP's CPE requirement.
Thank you
@henok Thank you for your post. Yes, you may submit 8 CPEs (or 1 CPE per hour of attendance) for the training seminar (sounds like you attended a seminar). If you did self-study outside of the seminar material, you may submit up to 40 CPEs for preparing to obtain a new certification. To submit, please list under the "Education" tab and then "online webinars, podcasts and other online training.
Best Regards,
@amandavanceISC2 , I am in the same boat as @henok as I recently passed the CISM exam.
I believe the specific question is on the Certificate Of Attendance for passing the CISM exam, it states the following: "Eligible for Continuing Professional Education up to 8 Hours."
Can this be submitted for CPE credit to (ISC)2? If so, can the entire 8 hours be submitted?
Thank you and hope that clarifies it a bit.
You don't earn the CPEs for sitting the exam, you earn them for the process of studying for the exam - from the CPE Handbook:
If the certificate you have is for taking/passing the exam then it is not eligible to be submitted for ISC2 CPEs. However, you can submit up to 40 CPEs for any study you did leading up to the exam.
Also, is the CISM exam 8 hours long? If this was able to be submitted you would only be able to claim 1 CPE per hour spent anyway.