Hi Guys,
Just passed the CCSP. Please let me know if i can use passing CCSP as CPE (professional certification) for CISSP.
If I am not mistaken, you cannot use CPEs for passing an exam. However you should be able to use the study time.
Let's ask @AndreaMoore to pass to the appropriate folk internally for an answer.
No not the exam itself, but if you used any video training, the certificate of completion from that can be used.
There is some credit for studying that can be earned. You will want to look at CPE guidelines. I have never used my study time for CPEs or could better advise you. CompTIA is the only organization that I know of that equates earning some certifications for continuing education credit.
Per the CPE guidelines handbook:
You can earn Group A CPE credits for: Self-study related to research for a project or preparing for a certification examination.