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CPEs - Higher Academic Course

I recently finished up a degree. How can I submit a security class that ran for 8 weeks as "Higher Academic Course" CPE Credit? Is there a way to convert the course hours to CPE hours or something else?

4 Replies
Community Champion



It seems to me, if one follows the rules, every one hour instructor led training is equivalent to 1 CPE, up to 40 CPEs limit. Thus if you can provide a proof of the completion of the class, then go for the submission.





Chuxing Chen, Ph.D., CISSP, PMP

@EricDuncan Congratulations on finishing your degree! We ask to use your best judgement when submitting CPEs for a higher academic course, and to not go over 40 CPEs per course.


Best Regards,
Amanda Vance

Viewer II

I am also about to begin a MSc in Information Security. do I count 40 CPEs for CLASSES and the proof of passing the exams or do the CPEs count for the whole 2year course?

I assume it could be broken down into 2 parts


1. 40 CPEs for class hours (eventually broken down into the 12 classes)

2. 10-40 CPEs for the MSc thesis.


now, I am not sure if i could count ALL the CPEs for the MSc or if I can use the credits only once. if the CPEs are for the classes (with proof of passed exame) or if it is for the COURSE as a whole.

Community Manager

@Neosai Please refer to the CPE Handbook:


If you have specific questions not found in the handbook, you can email

ISC2 Community Manager