I walked in feeling prepared and comfortable to take the exam. It turned out I was not in control of that situation. I walked out thinking I bombed the exam. Imagine my surprise when I turned the paper over and it said congrats. I completed the exam with 4 minutes left. Be ready to be at the exam's mercy. The way the questions are asked and the way the answers are phrased/provided really threw me through a loop. Like everyone else says: read, reread, and REREAD the questions and answers. Even if you are 100% sure of the answer, look at the other answers and question why that is the answer.
Experience: ~13 years in cyber compliance
Previous Certs: CISSP (2016), Sec+, Net+
Study time: 3 months (Month 1: Reading | Month 2: Reading and questions | Month 3: Endless questions and reading weak subject areas)
Study Material:
(ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Practice Tests : https://rb.gy/7rggn4
I have completed reading the study material. Can you please suggest where to purchase the practice questions for CCSP.
Congrats! I'm hoping to take the test in less than a month. Did you have any other study material than the practice tests?
Congrats on you hard work and dedication!
Since some folks asked about Study Resources, here's what I used: (your mileage may vary)
First, ISC2 retired my HCISPP certification and offered me a self-study program/exam voucher in exchange, so I accepted the CCSP. I purchased the Official ISC2 CBK in 2016 (now a bit dated) and have been wanting to get cloud certified for years.
I'm a fan of ISC2 Instructor led certification programs (if you can get employer to pay $$$) but I'm not to keen on the self-study programs, or most recorded lecture programs for that matter. I'll do them, but it's not my preferred way to learn and I'll opt for reading textbooks and hands-on - it works best for me. The self-study program was okay (there are better IMO and I really didn't pay close attention to the presentations), but the student Digital eTextbook is spot-on aligned with the exam objectives and the best resource available. Unlike the CISSP, ISSAP, etc., the CCSP self-paced training is actually reasonably priced...more so if you use your 20% members discount, and even better if you opt for only 90-day access. 180-day: $920/$736 member, 90-day: $550/$440
I also studied for the Cloud+ (purchased CompTIA Student Guide - CV0-003) and took the exam within 4-days of the CCSP. The exam certainly has a different focus (e.g., hands-on spinning-up cloud resources versus cloud/infrastructure security architect solving business problems) but there is A LOT of overlapping knowledge and skills. I didn't plan on taking the Cloud+, but it was offered to me in Beta (CV1-004) and only cost $50 (vice $369). So what the heck! To me, studying for both certifications helped me master both - just take a day prior to the exam to orientate yourself on where the CCSP exam is focused.
1. CCSP Self-Paced Digital e-Textbook is the BEST study/prep guide IMO - perfectly aligned with the CCSP exam objectives.
2. Mike Chapple's (ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide, 3rd Edition - this is the best text (almost as good as #1) and can be ordered from Wiley for a nice ISC2 member's discount.
3. Mike Chapple's (ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests, 3rd Edition - something like 900 test questions-->also available from Wiley for a nice member's discount. Honestly, I completed only 200-300 questions because the self-study had a few hundred, as did my Cloud+ study.
4. CompTIA Cloud+ Student Guide (CV0-003)
I've read all kinds of Cloud Security Alliance, NIST/FedRamp, Azure/AWS framework, configuration and guidance docs during my day job. Although these provide great useful information, I'd avoid them all and stick to the ones I mentioned because their vendor neutral, which is what you most need to remember.
I hope this helps...just my two-cents. Cheers!