“Questions” would not be found as covered by course material, and if you’ll read the fine print you’ll see that there are probably some research questions included which could be what you’re seeing, I’ve seen it stated that these are used for psychometric evaluation.
If you can remember the areas that appeared to without coverage in the courseware you can provide these back to ISC2. Review seminars with instructors tend to be pretty solid as additional information can be provided, however e-learning from ISC2 might not be so good, especially in the case of the CC which is a new certification and is in any case being offered free, without any warranty along with an exam voucher for the initial attempt.
Lastly experience and existing knowledge counts for a lot - all other ISC2 certifications have experience as a requirement and that experience counts hugely in helping you to be aware of other concepts or information that might not be covered in the ISC2 courseware for the CC.