I am happy to announce that I have passed the CC exam successfully.
The online course was beneficial, but you should also consult other sources of information. I went for the "CC Certified in Cybersecurity" study guide by Mike Chapple. You can also try to practice with online CC quizzes available on the ISC2 website and other websites.
Good luck
There are 25 beta/pre-test questions on the exam; so at least 25% of the questions are probably not covered in the material. These do not count for or against your scoring of the exam.
That makes sense now! I thought I'd missed a chapter or something.. I must have answered enough questions correctly as I passed my CC exam, but I studied the material quite thoroughly and was sure some of the questions were not from it..
Congratulations friend
Can you please provide me with the study material as i don't have any money on me to buy study material,i won't forget your favour if you do this
My email is iamshambhav@gmail.com