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Newcomer II

Common Body of Knowledge Study Book

Good evening,

does anyone know what the study book "Common Body of Knowledge" looks like and who the author is so that I can study before taking the test? It seems like, as a canadite it is recommended, but there is no information on the book, author, or year of publication on the website. 

1 Reply
Contributor III

I will answer this for the CISSP as CC only has a study guide and not a CBK but will touch on the CC.  Sybex has the official ISC2 books; I do not know the current author(s).  You do not want to read the CBK.  It is only for reference on difficult topics that are having issues with understanding.  The study guide is what you will want to read for the exam, and keep a copy of the current exam objectives with you at all times.  I suggest first printing it off and noting your experience directly on it. This will let you know if you have the experience required to be certified and makes it much easier to fill out endorsement after passing.  The CC does not require endorsement, but a person can use the exam objectives as a gap analysis on their knowledge.  This is what a person is expected to know no matter the ISC2 exam.  There will still be 25 beta/pre-test questions no matter the exam that may have never seen before.  In the CISSP, they will be in the first 100 questions; in the CC they will be randomly spread across the exam.  Best wishes.