A lot of people who have completed the exam have mentioned the questions are written very differently to what they expected. I thought the exam was a multiple choice exam, is this not the case?
Would appreciate a reply. Thank you!
More information can be found here: https://www.isc2.org/Certifications/CC/Certification-Exam-Outline
Hi Amirahh,
The CC exam is multiple-choice, you need to finish 100 MC within 2 hours.
I took this exam in Nov2022, and I don't think it changed the format to written.
Hi @amirahh13 . I took it 2 days ago and it's a multiple choice exam. The "thing" with the questions is the way they're written. They're not as friendly as in the quizzes specially for those "non-english-mother-language". Anyway, if you can understand the course content and you read the exam questions carefully you'll pass without any problem.
Hi Jojoe,
I go through the online training course by around 10 hours in a week.
Besides the video, please ensure you also study the handout which could be download at each modules, and the flash card to understand the cybersecurity terms.
Does this mean you finished the course in a week and it took you about 10 hours?
Don't just focus on passing the exams. Make sure you understand each topic of the course very well, and you can apply them in real-life situations. Passing the exams is different from understanding the course.
I passed my exam today, and yes the questions were different than what the self paced course indicated. People that don't understand the concepts will struggle on this one. Take practice tests and study the questions you get wrong and the concepts that you didn't grasp the first time. At my Pearson VUE center as I was gathering my belongings from my locker, the front desk clerk asked me if I passed the exam because she knew A LOT of people failed it. I can see how someone whose first language isn't English would struggle with wording. Over prepare for this test guys!!!