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CC Exam Preparation

Hi, I have just completed the self-paced Certified in Cybersecurity course through ISC2 and am preparing for my exam! Is the content of the course enough to study for the exam or is there other resources that would better prepare? Thank you!

3 Replies

I just completed the self paced training but i also watched videos of the topic i didn't understand on youtube. It helps a lot.
Also try to give some demo test to get clarification of the type of questions being asked in the real exam!

Hi Jthomas;

The self study cover all the topics to passe the exam;

So I recommand to you to view more video on youtube to understand better all concept of security

& do more quiz to refresh your memory.

Good luck for the exam



I also completed the self-paced course recently. Going in I passed the 75-question evaluation, and coming out I added 18 points to my score. I was feeling pretty good about it all so I scheduled a test and took it today. 


I guess I was a little over-confident, because the test really worked me over. I passed, but will tell you that it will pay off to make sure you have a strong understanding of the material. The test questions are definitely more challenging than those in the self-paced study.


Good luck!