I've created my profile in ISC2.org website but in the view profile section the membership status shows "Non Memeber"
can someone provide/redirect , how to become a member.
@iluom Thank you for your inquiry. To become a member of (ISC)², one must first take and pass one of the certification exams and then pass the Endorsement Application, process.The endorsement process is used to verify an individuals work experience, as each certification has a work experience requirement. Once you have passed the exam and the endorsement process, you will become a member of (ISC)².
Best Regards,
Amanda Vance
Once you pass any ISC(2) exams, endorsed by a member in good standing or the ISC(2) and receive your final certification you automatically become a member.
Sounds a bit convoluted but its actually a straight forward process.
Can students apply for membership? And how do i go about it?
@nsohbih13 wrote:Can students apply for membership? And how do i go about it?
Edith, please re-read @amandavanceISC2 's statement above. The only way to become an (ISC)2 member is to go through the certification process with the exam and endorsement as she described.
There is no prohibition or special status about student status. In fact, historically there have been (ISC)2 members who were students in university, and going back even some high school students.
The aspect of being a student is only whether the student has had time to work in the field the requisite number of years for the certification.
If you can pass an exam but do not yet have the years of experience, you can become an Associate of (ISC)2. However, once you become an Associate, you have a limited amount of time to complete your full time experience.
@iluom Thank you for your question.
Your status could show as Non Member for a couple of reasons (assuming you've completed the endorsement process to become a full member):
1. You have two accounts using different email addresses.
2. An system error causing your status to display incorrectly.
If you confirm you're using the same email address you used in the exam/endorsement process and are still getting the "\Non Member status, please contact Member Services at membersupport@isc2.org and include your Member ID. One of our Customer Service Coordinators will help resolve this issue for you.