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Newcomer I

Didn't receive my score after exam

I just took the CISSP exam yesterday (April 9, 2019) and EVEN THOUGH THIS WEBSITE says I would receive my score, I did not receive it.

ISC2, can you please provide my score or take that page down from your website?

13 Replies
Community Champion

From ISC2 website:


Q: Can I find out how many questions I answered correctly?

(ISC)² does not report to candidates the number of questions they answered correctly or the overall percentage of questions they answered correctly; however; failing candidates are provided with the rank ordering of domains based on their percentage of questions answered correctly in each domain of the examination. This information is provided to assist failing candidates who would know the domains that they need to focus in their further study
Advocate I

You only receive a pass or fail for the exam. Been like this for as long as I can remember and before even that time. Reason has been understood that when you pass, that's it. The exam is difficult enough for most that no one needs to hear that such-and-such passed with a 90 percent when the next person barely squeaked by.


Can you imagine adding such to a hiring filter? Requirements: Must have passed the CISSP with a minimum score of 87 percent to be considered. Great. Now bring proof of your passing grade on the exam. Either your certified or you are not. No sense on including bragging rights or marginalizing the passing of the exam.


This is one thing I dislike from other certifications and comes up in conversation far too often. I don't care that you passed the Security+ in 40 minutes and missed 4 questions. I passed in much less time and missed one, type of conversation. Really pointless.


- b/eads

Community Champion

@cttr22 wrote:

I just took the CISSP exam yesterday (April 9, 2019) and EVEN THOUGH THIS WEBSITE says I would receive my score, I did not receive it.

ISC2, can you please provide my score or take that page down from your website?

Can you provide a link to where you saw this statement about receiving your exam score?


BTW - did you pass or fail?


Advocate I

As noted, ISC2 does not give out scores.


Other certifying groups do, but how they handle this is different.


ISACA gives you a score, but its hard to understand where it came from, as its not a 1-100 scale.  They do recognize the highest scorers in different regions for each score period (you can only take their tests during certain windows each year).


SANS/GIAC tells you your score.  You need to get a certain score to pass the tests (each is a little different).  But if you score a higher you can then teach the class, and if a 90%, join the GIAC Advisory Board. 


Now, having both ISACA and SANS/GIAC certs, I don't recall anyone talking about their scores or anyone asking for our scores.  That we had the certs was enough.  If ISC2 doesn't want to give out scores, that's fine with me.


Newcomer I
Newcomer I

I would add a screenshot but it apparently won't let me do that.
On the FAQs page, there is a question asking about receiving your score and it unequivocally says that you do get it if you didnt pass.
Advocate I

I have had this conversation many, many times but your mileage may vary. I just used Security+ as an example but have had similar conversations over SANS tests, etc.




- b/eads

Newcomer I

It's under Exam Info>Can I get my score
Community Champion

You are quite correct:



Can I get my exam score?

For those who passed an examination, scores are not provided. For those who failed an examination, scores will be provided upon completion of the exam.
This hasn't been the case for a while now I believe so the FAQ needs updating.
EDIT: added the URL with the correct section expanded.
@amandavanceISC2  Hi Amanda - please can you have the FAQ updated accordingly?