The "community" is searchable on Google.
(Yes, really. Go ahead, try it. Search:
"Show Us How You Enrich. Enable. Excel. & Earn Badges in the (ISC)² Community!"
You will find admin Samantha O's original post--plus all the replies. Here, let me do it for you: )
Apparently this searching ability is somewhat limited. (Both on Google and in the "community" itself.) Main subjects for postings seem to be searchable, but not content, or, at least, not content in replies. (Although, as noted, when you search for the subject, you get the entire post and all replies.) I did some tests on the community search function, using text as it appears in specific replies, and apparently neither Google nor the "community" can find them. I'm not sure if I feel better that our replies can't be searched, or incensed that the "community" search function is so useless.
Add to Google search terms to make "community" stuff easier to find. It's sometimes easier to search from outside the "community," using Google, than it is to use the search function within the "community."
I think the implications of GDPR as of today going forward will have a profound impact on this community, let alone Google - who are already facing financial penalties, let alone likely to be called out for various issues arising over search analytics and disclosure. So I would not be too hard, - the world is digitally changing and data is the new treasure, which people are beginning to realise needs to be protected in the appropriate way and not disclosed in an unethical way, that could cause issues to arise and deliberate misinterpretation for fake news or other likely scenarios to arise.
You think I am overstating the case? You think that the searchability of the "community" via Google is just a bug? You think all this worry over GDPR is overblown?
ISC2 knows all about it. ISC2 is using it.
ISC2 has posted one of the threads, from this "community," on Twitter. As advertising.
Now, it's a fairly old thread. (And thus doesn't contain some of the more recent resources that have been discussed in this regard. I might go and add some ...) But, still. ISC2 knows it can use our postings to advertise itself to the world. And it intends to.
Yeah, I still like the CISSPforum better ...
@Caute_cautim you should read the Community Usage Policy... if you haven't already
As long as they are not collecting my DNA, I don't have an issue at the present time.