Member Profile
George Rettas is one of the most well-known cyber security professionals in the world with extensive experience practicing cyber security in both the public and private sectors, Mr. Rettas is a serial entrepreneur, serving as the CEO and President of Task Force 7 Radio, LLC, and Task Force 7 Technologies, Inc. a company focusing on building the world's most premier Cyber Security Professional Network. Mr. Rettas is also the President and CEO of Code X Entertainment, LLC, a company focused on producing television, movies, literary, digital, and merchandising products. Mr. Rettas has worked for 12 years as a Managing Director and Partner in some of the world¹s largest financial institutions holding executive management positions in cyber security operations, administration, and program management functions. He created the first Cyber Security Intelligence function in the financial services sector and detected some of the most prolific breaches in recent history, including Target breach and the JPMorgan Chase breach. Mr. Rettas also served as a former Special Agent with the United States Secret Service, where he was the co-founder of the Newark Field Office Electronic Crimes Task Force. He is the author of the first Title III Wire Tap on an internet-facing computer network in United States history and he worked what is considered the most prolific criminal investigation in the history of the Secret Service in Operation Firewall.
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Member Since ‎04-24-2018
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Date Last Visited
‎04-29-2018 09:30 AM