Hello, I’m planning to study for and get certified in CISSP, but I have many questions about the study materials. I’ve noticed there are many recommended books and resources, but I’ve also r...
Hi, guys iam preparing to study for the CC exam in a maximum 2 months so I want a study partner so we can help each other and encourage each other this is my LinkedIn for communicating https://w...
I'm writing the CISSP exam mid April. Looking for a study partner preferably in North America whose preparing the exam in April. Serious individual only. Email address rushton1234@yahoo.com.&n...
Hey . Join the like minded individuals in pursuit of the same cause, to study together, share study resources and progress to the next different certification levels, starting from ISC2 CC. The n...
Hi everyone, I am writing on the 29th of July. Is anyone interested in studying intensively together for 2 weeks? Join this Discord server https://discord.gg/C9aajZ6b
Good afternoon, I've scheduled my CISSP exam the end of September 2024. I'm looking for a study partner to practice questions, including sharing ideas and thoughts. I'm in the est t...