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Community Manager

Worst Cybersecurity Movies

Hi everyone!


I love movies, even bad ones. I'm an avid listener of the podcast How Did This Get Made and the next movie they're doing is Virtuosity. It got me thinking about other hilariously bad movies with a tech/sci-fi based plot...




So tell me, what movies have the worst depiction of cybersecurity?

17 Replies
Newcomer III

We should also have a post of the best movies or TV shows. I wonder how Mr Robot would fare.

Newcomer III

All I have to say is:


CSI: Cyber's version of a "firewall".

Newcomer II

I think the biggest problem with any technology in movies is that producers feel the need to water down the content to the least common denominator. To IT professionals, it then becomes a joke.


That being said, my vote for how poorly security is portrayed would have to go to Swordfish. Although, I did enjoy the movie from a soundtrack perspective 🙂

Newcomer II

Its hilarious in the movies when a "cyber attack" happens. Ten people surround one screen and one person begins typing on the screen frantically like 200 words a minute, whilst giant lights flash on and off in the background.


Then someone randomly screams "quickly enable the honey pot do it now"  or words to that effect Smiley Happy

Newcomer II

Not technially cyber, but the depiction of a Unix System in Jurassic Park always makes me chuckle.


Otherwise an all time classic movie!

Community Manager

YES! I love that scene!!

Newcomer I

Considering Mr. Robot has "Anonymous Content" as a technical advisor, and having watched every episode so far, they are pretty close on quite a bit of the technical aspects. While not an explicit roadmap on how to destroy the economy via EvilCorp, many of the tools they have displayed are real and used daily., Kali Linux, femto-cells, social engineering, honeypots, and mobile hijacking are just a few things displayed so far. 


Newcomer III

Reminds me of the scene in NCIS when Abby and McGee are both typing on the same keyboard!

Community Champion

I was going to say those TV shows where "abbey" or her counterpart can dig up the pertinent details on an unknown subject in 5 seconds, immediately tie in to the close circuit TV systems, download his credit card info and find out he is shopping at a Walmart in Topeka, KS and have the squad there to arrest him before he finishes checking out.