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Exam prep

Getting exam ready, any tips and usual resources would be appreciated. 

2 Replies
Community Champion

Depends on which Exam and what knowledge and experience you have. This forum has much added information to help, do search there for extras.

Minimal what you need below, assuming that you are focused and reasonably educated/intelligent.

CC has a decent course for zero outlay, and that should be enough or get Security plus or SSCP books.

SSCP, CCSP, CISSP are well catered for and latest text books should be more than enough.

CSSLP and CGRC have material but it’s not so up to date. You should be looking at exam outlines and reference material. If you work in a development focused role for the former or you are an auditor/risk professional neither should worry you. If you are not current it’s essential to look at exam blueprint and sources. For the later ISACA may be a better option for you.

ISSAP, ISSEP and ISSMP until very recently were CISSP concentrations and required the CISSP as a base certificate. ISC2 changed them into what are effectively new standalone certifications that have seven year experience requirements of which having CISSP can satisfy five years. Here be dragons, each one has a CBK but it’s old and not updated and a lot has changed since. Anecdotally there is testing arcane and esoteric knowledge and you better be consuming the references, looking at the blueprinpt. Not sitting the CISSP seems like a poor decision for two reasons. Firstly, it covers a lot of fundamentals that you just won’t get the breadth on for any of the previous concentrations. Secondly if you’re certifying CISSP then you’re looking for it to work in certain environments, get a job or command a better salary. It’s almost a no brainer to do it. TOGAF and SABSA are probably more valuable than ISSAP IMHO as these teach you to do/follow a methodology rather than know about it. If you’re in the US you might prefer DoDAF. Anyway until recently these were not standalone, so will be interesting to see if the experiment pays off and loads of people take them up. There are not many holders and I guess few people were taking them.

HCISSP you don’t need to as ISC2 killed it recently.

Lastly, exam tip ISC2 used to allow you to complete the exam then mark questions to go back to. This meant there was a small reward for racing ahead and seeing if subsequent questions jogged your memory on tricky ones.

With the advent of CAT there was a type of exam that by its nature gave you no way of changing an answer, so sometime after this all exams removed the ability to review questions, making accuracy of your initial answers more critical than before.

Newcomer II

For any exam preparation, some important tips are helpful to clear any exam. 

Exam preparation tips:

1. Organize your study materials and make a schedule.
2. Practice with past papers and educational apps.
3. Use active learning strategies like flashcards and teaching concepts.
4. Take breaks, get enough sleep, and maintain good health.
5. Think about group study sessions, set realistic goals, and review frequently.
6. Be optimistic and practice under exam conditions.