Dear All,
The danger from attackers looking to compromise your Gmail account has never been greater. Of that there can be no doubt. With AI-powered phishing attacks described as the most sophisticated ever striking again and again, alongside more basic threats to users of the world’s most popular email platform, ignoring this one simple piece of advice from the Federal Bureau of Investigation could be very costly indeed.
Thanks for sharing. We have been saying for years (okay maybe just me), do not click on anything but folks don't always remember.
Unfortunately, I do not believe that it is just Gmail that folks go after. I am sure they are trying all the email systems in an attempt to gather information, etc.
As much as I agree with the sentiment for educating users on the advances of phishing techniques, I believe these somewhat hyperbolic news articles dilute the message in favour of clickbait. After reading the article, I was left confused as to who the target audience was - it seemed to start off targeting the everyday user but then did more technical dives that were better suited to IT professionals, before returning to the everyday user again.
At the same time, I appreciate it's very difficult to get any message out unless you have site viewership - something which the major journalism sites like Forbes has plenty of 🙂
Like @dcontesti has said, I don't think there is anything especially ground breaking in the article, but I think by at least starting with conversations with family and friends, you will have a be able to given them a far better chance at actually understanding a threat compared to some of the news articles out there.
Thank you for sharing your time and expertise on this @dcontesti.
I appreciate your commitment and dedication @TribesmanJohn.