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Community Champion

Tips for How not to Exit a job

A friend sent me this and I thought I would share.  Some may find it useful.


I wish I had this in my early twenties, I may have stayed a bean counter.





Here’s how NOT to exit,
and what to do instead:

1/ Burn Bridges. 🔥

↳ That dramatic exit you're imagining? Forget it.
↳ Instead, leave on good terms.

2/ Slack Off in your Final Weeks. 🏖

↳ Tempted to coast to the finish line? Don’t.
↳ Show your integrity.

3/ Drop a Resignation Bomb. 💣

↳ Surprising your manager with a sudden exit? Bad move.
↳ Instead, communicate early and give them time.

4/ Bash the Company On Your Way Out. 👊

↳ Frustrated? Venting might feel good in the moment.
↳ Channel that energy into constructive feedback.

5/ Neglect Proper Handover. 🚫

↳ Leaving your work in a mess? Not cool.
↳ Do detailed handover notes for a smooth transition.

6/ Ghost your Colleagues. 👻

↳ Disappearing without a word? Big mistake.
↳ Acknowledge the relationships you’ve built.

7/ Forget your Exit is Part of Your Legacy. 🤦‍♂️

↳ This isn’t an ending—it’s a step in your journey.
↳ Stay connected. Never know when you’ll cross paths again.

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