Strange this, as predicted, IoT comes to the fore again:
Some good questions to ask as a consumer - but many may not have the appropriate answers:
Then ask the following questions:
- Has this device shown any unexpected instability recently?
- Is it possible to update the firmware?
- Is the latest software patch installed?
- How regularly do software patches ship?
- Is it possible to change any default password/code on the device and has it been changed?
- Is it possible to use an alphanumeric code?
- Does the system support the latest edition of its operating system?
- What is the device’s networking protocol? Is it still current?
- Is it possible to identify the device from beyond the network using standard network monitoring tools?
- If you can’t update the device, or change its password, or it uses an ancient networking protocol, stop using it.
- If the device is visible to people outside your network, either secure it, or switch it off and send it to be recycled.
So what happens if the salesman, or reseller cannot answer the above?
Would you still purchase regardless?