Hi All
Would you consider this technology ? Think about the issues, and you sons and daughters, if they wore one in a country, where they could quite literally disappear off the face of the earth?
Having been to many countries, I would not advise anyone to wear this shirt and especially not my kids.
When I arrived in one country, we were told by our host that if someone wanted our watch or our phone to just give it to them....or potentially lose an arm or finger or worse. We were also advised NOT to drive at night. Yet in order countries we were told that if we were told to get out of the card while the police went through our luggage that we should just comply and say nothing.
These were countries that I would not want to wear anything that would make me invisible to any form of security cameras that were available.
@dcontestiYes, I understand where you are coming from - I have actually traveled extensively to many places, during my time to overseas Diplomatic posts and driven with Diplomatic plates in the Middle East, and Africa. Those plates alone made one an obvious target. Lagos, Nigeria used to be notorious as they depended on Diesel generators for all the street lights. Often the bridges were unlit and the favourite trick then was to leave truck hub in the middle of road and await their victims. Who often hit the truck hub, and then people came out waving machetes around - their target was actually tools. The best advice then was just given them what they want, ones life was far more valuable and many of them could not read any how.
Some valid points.