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Contributor II

(ISC)2 San Diego Chapter Board Elections

Can you believe another year has passed by already? That makes it time to elect your (ISC)2 San Diego Chapter Board of Directors. With the Chapter not being able to meet in person we are changing up the procedure a little this year, well ok, a lot!


The term for every Board Director lasts one year.


The requirements are
- An (ISC)2 Member in good standing
- A member of the (ISC)2 San Diego Chapter in good standing
- A desire and willingness to fulfill the duties and obligations of the Board Director position in the best interest of the (ISC)2 San Diego Chapter and support the mission of the (ISC)2 as a whole


Information on your Chapter and the current Board Directors can be found at
Each current Board Director has a small bio accessible by clicking on their photo or name.


All current Board Directors are running for their same position.


You may nominate yourself or anyone else meeting the above requirements by placing a message on our Google Groups site at!forum/isc2-sdiego
Please use the Subject of (ISC)2 San Diego Chapter Board Director Nomination
In the body place the name of the nominee and the Board Director position the person is being nominated for


*** The nominations must be on the Google Group Forum by 6 PM on Monday 05 OCT 2020 or they will not be on the ballot ***


Tuesday, 06 OCT 2020, a link for the ballot form will be posted to the Google Groups Forum and on our Chapter's website at


Please complete the ballot form by 6:15 PM on the night of our Chapter Meeting, 08 OCT 2020.


All nominees will have the opportunity to provide a brief introduction of themselves at the beginning of the meeting.


The results should be tabulated by the end of the meeting and our Board will be set for 2021.


All times reference above are Pacific.


Thank You!


Your (ISC)2 San Diego Chapter Board

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