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Community Champion

Privacy problems loom in an interconnected world

Hi All


Although this issue keeps coming, how many people are actually ignoring it and just letting it slip through their fingers and mind every day?


"While updating privacy laws is welcome, it can only go so far. In an age where more and more devices are connected to the internet, many Australians are unwittingly broadcasting their private lives to the world.

Frighteningly, you don’t have to have spent hours honing your skills as a hacker to peek into the private lives of unsuspecting people. You just need to know where to look."

It appears that the Australian Privacy laws are up for review again, and lets hope they are on par with the Californian CCPA and Connected Devices, because many nations have guidelines, without teeth - this simply is not good enough.
It is time, that connected devices and privacy aspects were brought to the fore and dealt with appropriately.
Read it for yourselves: 
1 Reply
Community Champion

To me this gets a bit complicated. I do not have much of a social media presence and I do search for myself at times and try to have random items removed. This seems like it just hits the common areas that are easy to find, but what about programs and such that are collecting information on us?  Half the time is seems like it is done it such a hidden manner it's hard ti know about and ever then how would we prevent it? And then I need to take things one step further and ask if that information anything I actually care about? Do they use it for targeted ads, which I have blocked so I don't see anyway.


I try to keep up on it but am never sure if I do enough.

