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Community Champion

Google, Facebook Face Big GDPR Headache — $8.8 Billion In Lawsuits

European consumer rights organization Noyb, led by Austrian privacy activist and lawyer Max Schrems, has filed four separate lawsuits against Google's Android operating system, and Facebook, Instagram as well as WhatsApp, all of which are owned by Facebook.


In the lawsuit, Noyb has alleged that the companies have breached the law by forcing users into giving consent to share their personal data. The activist group claimed the companies asked users to agree to have their data collected, shared, and used for targeted advertising, or have their accounts deleted.


CompanyAuthorityMaximum Penalty
Google (Android)CNIL(France)€ 3.7 MrdPDF
InstagramDPA(Belgium)€ 1.3 MrdPDF
WhatsAppHmbBfDI(Hamburg)€ 1.3 MrdPDF
FacebookDSB(Austria)€ 1.3 MrdPDF
1 Reply
Community Champion

Serious?  Within 4 days of GDPR becoming universal law-think about that just for a minute. Actually, that would another thought provoking thread.  GDPR wasn't made just for Brits.  It was Brits unabashedly assuming that they can control the entire internet with their law.  

4 megabux lawsuits were submitted to ding the armor of Google and Facebook.


1. The writing of those documents alone would take a team of lawyers to draft. Planned.

2. Who gets the payout for those cases?

3. Who conspired with whom to set this up? Looks like another convenient tax regulated on those companies that many love to hate.


I'm old enough to remember the Internet during the DARPA days and it sure was a whole lot easier to navigate and consume when there were no adds of any sort. No male enhancement products, no links to questionable news sources about some scandal,  no unrequested videos of someones dog getting eaten by an alligator.  Just hyperlinks to get you to the data you wanted or the day itself. Simple. Clean. Easy. Fast.