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New CISSP, Old Veteran

Evening all,

Passed the CISSP exam today - long time coming! As a veteran who moved into InfoSec later than most, I'm keen to grow my network with like-minded professionals outside the ex-military groups!

There's a world outside a uniform, right?!

Anyway - genuinely pleased to be part of the community!

6 Replies
Viewer II

Hey, congrats and welcome! I got mine about 8 years after I got out. This weekend I met 3 other U.S. vets who had or were working on the same and a non-security-related social gathering. We're here! It's rewarding work. 

ISC2 Team

You can always reach out to me directly.  23 years in the Air Force (1985-2008) and a CISSP since 2009.  

Community Manager

@Dave_Kennedy @pastramionrye7 


I'm going to reach out to you to see if you are willing to help me with a blog for Military/Veterans transitioning into Cybersecurity. You can self-submit for CPE credits for assisting with this. 


Thanks so much!

ISC2 Community Manager
Newcomer I

SALUTE! I know I am a little late to this but, from vet to vet, congrats to you just the same! Welcome to the lighter dark-side 🙂


I hope that you and yours are enjoying the fruits of your efforts to continually expand your knowledge. It is a great example for children, nephews and nieces, at the very least. I am now working on certification myself, I prioritized delivery over my personal education/certification.


It cannot go understated that having these certifications are valuable to assure companies that you know your stuff and would be an asset to their team. 


Be well!

Newcomer III

I seem to be late to everything in life.


Even for enlisting. Back in 2005, I even raised my hand an took the oath at 39 years and 364 days old.
The transition then was from software developer to US Army National Guard Finance Corp member. One TOD, called up by the Army to serve in the sandbox @ Balad. I am blessed beyond reason in life. I wouldn't trade the opportunity had to serve my country for anything in the world. Thank you to all the veterans that paved the way. God bless you all.


It isn't hard for me at all to see how well current and former members of the military can fill the cybersecurity personnel shortage. Corporate America desperately needs cybersecurity leaders that take a disciplined, detail oriented approach to securing critical infrastructure.


My complete return to civilian life put me in a PCI DSS related position.


CISSP is the next goal. In the interim, I was very fortunate to pass the CGRC exam and ISC2 graciously awarded me the certification. Very exciting times.


I hope to serve ISC2 in some capacity. Maybe through this military forum?

ISC2 Team

Once you pass the CISSP exam (receive your official letter) and complete your endorsement process, reach out to me directly about volunteering for one or more of our CISSP Exam Content Development workshops.  I'm prior military myself; Air Force 1985-2008.