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Urgent Appeal: Request for Assistance to Write Missed Exam

Hi There,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you with a deep sense of urgency and disappointment regarding a recent incident that has significantly impacted my pursuit of my career goals. Yesterday, I was scheduled to write my exam at 3:00 PM. Anticipating the importance of the exam, I made sure to arrive at the venue 30 minutes prior, eager and prepared to give it my best effort. However, upon arrival, I encountered an unforeseen issue regarding my means of identification. I presented my National Identification Number (NIN), a government-issued printout, as well as another identification card. Unfortunately, I was informed that my NIN printout alone was not sufficient, and I was asked to print the other card in order to comply with the scanning requirements. With a sense of urgency, I sought out the nearest printing press and attempted to rectify the situation promptly. However, due to the time it took to print the card and return to the exam venue, I was informed that a case had been made, and I was unable to proceed with taking the exam. This turn of events has left me deeply disheartened. I had invested considerable time and effort into preparing for this exam, and to be denied the opportunity to write it despite my earnest efforts is truly disheartening. This exam represents a crucial step towards achieving my career goals, and being unable to take it has placed a significant obstacle in my path. I appeal to you for assistance in resolving this matter. I humbly request your intervention to allow me the opportunity to write the exam that I have diligently prepared for. I assure you of my commitment to adhering to all necessary procedures and requirements, and I am more than willing to cooperate fully to ensure a smooth resolution. Your assistance in this matter would not only be deeply appreciated but also instrumental in helping me realize my aspirations and fulfill my potential in my chosen field. I am eager to receive your guidance and support in this challenging situation. Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to your prompt response and the opportunity to address this issue effectively.
1 Reply
Community Manager

Hello, Id recommend you reach out to our team at to receive further guidance on this. Thanks!