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Viewer II

Data was submitted with an incorrect format Error

Hello Respected Members,


I passed my CISSP exam on 27th Feb 2024 and am currently in the process of completing my accreditation . I'm currently filling out the online application form and coming across an error under the Job experience section. I'm facing this error "Data was submitted with an incorrect format" and this is not letting me save and proceed further.I have checked at least a few times to verify if the data format is correct and it is correct. Can anyone of the members please advice if anyone have faced such an error and provide some suggestion.I have also emailed the ISC2 team for help. Thanks a lot in advance

9 Replies
Community Manager

Hello @riteshmenon82, we apologize for this inconvenience. Please allow 3-4 business days for our support team to get back to you on this. Thanks!


Having the same issue. Not sure why this error pop-up occurs




Viewer II

Hi All,


I was finally able to fix the issue and submit my application .


The word count in my Job description was more the allowed limit .
Please try making the JD smaller (less word count)  and it should work

I was having the same issue here and I spent a long time working it out to get it to submit. Another user posted that they got past this by reducing the length of their Job Description, which did not work for me.


In my case, it turned out to be the apostrophe character. Do not use this character (') in your job description. Removing that from mine cleared the issue up and let me submit.



Justin's = Incorrect format error.

Justins = Submission works.


The single quote was the issue. I copied and pasted from MS Word, so those smart quotes caused an issue.

Newcomer I

I had the same issue but in my case it was the - symbol. Once I removed that and the ' etc. I was able to submit.


Thanks to everyone who posted here. Really helped. 


I had the same issue with multiple cert endorsements. You have to remove any special characters and keep cutting it until it meets the requirement, whatever that is.


I am attempting to complete an endorsement and I get an error message. There are no special characters in my inputted texted. 

I hope this is a monitored message board.