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Newcomer II


To whom it may concern,


I got a question about the required CPE. I am 15 CPE due by 30 november 2019 for my associate of ISC2.  In june I got enough work experience to fulfil the one year requirement for the endorsement process of SSCP. I am wondering if I can use the accumulated CPE towards my new SSCP CPE requirement when I get endorsed. Thanks in advance.


Yours Sincerely,





4 Replies
Community Champion

I'm not sure I fully understand the specifics of your post, but CPE activities completed prior to the start of your certification cycle can't be counted. The cycle typically starts on the 1st day of the month that follows after your endorsement process is completed.


Check the CPE handbook for details:


Newcomer II

Thank you Alec for responding to my post.


Sorry if I am to vague. I am wondering if I need to fulfill the 15 points requirement before I can get myself endorsed.

Community Champion

The Associate designation for the SSCP lasts for 2 years I believe, with the point being you earn 1 year of experience in this time. In the CPE handbook it says the CPE requirements for the Associate are 15 CPEs but these are listed as a "suggested" annual amount with no specific, mandatory requirement stated. Which seemingly means you could not earn a single CPE over the 2 years and still be eligible for endorsement! However, to counter this ambiguous position, it also states in the Policies and Procedures page of the CPE handbook that you have to earn CPEs to maintain your Associate status, so it seems you need to earn at least 2!


If it were me in this situation, I would look at the length of time I would require to be an Associate and complete the appropriate amount of suggested CPEs on a pro rata basis.




If you've been an Associate for a full year by the time your endorsement process is completed then I would look to have completed 15 CPEs.


If you've been an Associate for 18 months by the time your endorsement process is completed then I'd look to have completed 22.5 CPEs.


I don't think anyone could argue with this approach. You are fulfilling your requirement to earn CPEs to maintain your Associate status, in line with the suggested amount, for as long as it's needed to earn the experience to support your endorsement application.


Sure you could possibly get away with earning fewer CPEs but you're only denying yourself the learning opportunities if you do that.



@Mitchell Thank you for your inquiry. As long as you submit your endorsement and it is approved prior to the due date (expiration date) or your Associate CPE cycle, you will not be required to submit the 15 CPEs. If you do earn and submit the 15 CPEs prior to the expiration date and then get certified, the CPEs will not rollover into the certification cycle as CPEs must be earned during the three-year cycle. 


Best Regards,

Amanda Vance